用習慣了 vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people 裡的幾種快速編輯方式,比方說:
dsf: splice (delete surroundings of form)
cseb: surround element in parentheses
cse]: surround element in brackets
cse}: surround element in braces
後來,我遇到想要把一串字母加上 double quotes 或是 single quotes 的情況,也想下類似的指令來操作。這時候,我才發現,原來我一直都少安裝一個很重要的插件 vim-surround 。vim-surround 提供的重要操作有:
ds" delete surrounding double quote
cs)] change surrounding parentheses to brackets
cs'" change surrounding single quote to double qutoe
csw" surround word with double quote