1. Location of the new operator
2. Work in constructor
3. Global State
4. Law of Demeter violation
(a) 依賴可能是 global 物件
(b) 依賴可能是在 class 內 new 出來的物件
(c) 依賴可能是注入的物件
只有 (c) ,不會導致嚴重的測試問題。
錯誤 1 & 錯誤 2
class Car {
Engine engine;
Car(File file) {
String model = readEngineModel(file);
engine = new EngineFactory.create(model);
// ...
class Car {
Engine engine;
Car(Engine engine) {
this.egine = engine;
Engine getEngine(
EngineFactory engineFactory,
@EngineModel String model) {
return engineFactor.create(model);
(*) 在 constructor 內部,應該要儘量少做事、唯一應該寫在 constructor 裡的程式碼,就是把 dependencies 指派給 class 內部的 field。 (In constructor, you should do as little work in constructor as possible. You should do nothing else but assign your dependencies to your fields.)
Look at the constructor and make sure there is no work in there. Look at the constructor to make sure that all it's doing is assigning its dependencies to the fields. Check to make sure that the dependencies that your actually save into your fields are actually the dependencies that you truly need. This is where we are going to get into law of Demeter violation.
遵循上述的 Guideline 的話,程式應該長成什麼樣子呢?
(*) 好的測試程式碼 (test code) 應該充滿 new operator 和 null
(*) 好的線上程式碼 (production code) 則應該「沒有」new 和 null
錯誤 3 (Global State) 的例子
不清不楚的 API 介面。 Deceptive API
testCharge() {
CreditCard cc;
cc = new CreditCar("12..34", ccProc);
明確說明依賴關系的 API 介面。 Better API
testCharge() {
db = new Database();
queue = new OfflineQueue(db);
ccProc = new CCProcessor(queue);
CreditCard cc;
cc = new CreditCar("12..34", ccProc);
錯誤 4 (Law of Demeter violation)
不良的例子: 使用超過一個 dot 符號
class LoginPage {
RPCClient client;
HttpRequest request;
LoginPage(RPCClient client,
HttpServletRequest request) {
this.client = client;
this.request = request;
boolean login() {
String cookie = request.getCookie();
return client.getAuthenticator().authenticate(cookie);
class LoginPage {
LoginPage(@Cookie String cookie,
Authenticator authenticaor) {
this.cookie = cookie;
this.authenticaor = authenticator;
boolean login() {
return authenticator.authenticate(cookie);