Friday, December 28, 2018

How to build stable systems

 How to build stable systems 算是一篇集大成的文章,內容同時涵蓋了軟體開發的各種層面,並且提出作者認為合理、有效的作法。

A project usually have a single gamble only. Doing something you’ve never done before or has high risk/reward is a gamble. Picking a new programming language is a gamble. Using a new framework is a gamble. Using some new way to deploy the application is a gamble. Control for risk by knowing where you have gambled and what is the stable part of the software. Be prepared to re-roll (mulligan) should the gamble come out unfavorably.

由於作者來自 erlang 的背景,他的思維是以 micro-services 做為預設值,所以他主張,模組與模組之間要透過 protocol 來溝通。( 注意:傳統的系統規畫通常是建議,系統先做成 monolithic,模組與模組之間先透過 API 來溝通,之後再逐步視需要,將模組變成獨立運作的 service。)
Your system is a flat set of modules with loose coupling. Each module have one responsibility and manages that for the rest of the software. Modules communicate loosely via a protocol, which means any party in a communication can be changed, as long as they still speak the protocol in the same way. Design protocols for future extension. Design each module for independence. Design each module so it could be ripped out and placed in another system and still work.

他主張 end-to-end principle 。只有端點需要有複雜的邏輯。
In a communication chain, the end points have intelligence and the intermediaries just pass data on. That is, exploit parametricity on mulitple levels: build systems in which any opaque blob of data is accepted and passed on. Avoid intermediaries parsing and interpreting on data. Code and data changes over time, so by being parametric over the data simplifies change.

在「設置檔」方面,他主張「除非系統真的超大,不然,並不需要全然動態的『設置檔』」所以不需要太早使用 etcd/Consul 之類的,把設置檔放在 S3 即可。
Avoid the temptation of too early etcd/Consul/chubby setups. Unless you are large, you don’t need fully dynamic configuration systems. A file on S3 downloaded at boot will suffice in many cases.